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Pemanfaatan fasilitas sms ....


Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika

Petunjuk Penulisan JHPT Tropika

Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika saat ini merupakan satu-satunya jurnal di bidang hama dan penyakit tumbuhan yang terakreditasi di Indonesia. ....


Banana Bacterial Wilt

    Gejala penyakit layu bakteri pada buah dan tangkai tandan
    pisang jenis kepok (Dok. pribadi, tahun 1996/1997)

Bacterial ooze pada penampang tangkai tandan pisan kepok terserang 
penyakit layu bakter (Dok. pribadi, tahun 2012)

Gejala penyakit layu bakteri pada tangkai buah
pisang jenis kepok (Dok. pribadi, tahun 2012)

Asisten Praktikum

Diumumkan kepada mahasiswa Jurusan Agrotek:

Telah dibuka kesempatan untuk menjadi asisten praktikum pada matakuliah-matakuliah berikut:

1.  Mikrobiologi Pertanian (4 orang)
2.  Dasar-dasar Perlindungan Tanaman (2 orang)
3.  Penyakit Penting Tanaman (4 orang)
4.  Klinik Tanaman (2 orang)
5.  Metode Ilmiah (2 orang)
6. dll.

Bagi yang berminat, silahkan mendaftarkan diri ke Lab. HPT atau ruang jurusan Proteksi Tanaman (Gd. Biotek).  Apabila jumlah pendaftar melebihi kuota, akan dilakukan seleksi.
Info lebih lanjut hubungi HP 081272592686 atau 085840959535 ( dilayani hanya pada jam kerja ).



Occurrence of blood disease of banana in Sumatra, Indonesia

by Satoko Kusumoto, Titik N Aeny, Subli Mujimu, Cipto Ginting, Takashi Tsuge, Shinji Tsuyumu, Yuichi Takikawa


Titik Nur Aeny's Blog: TEACHING: Teaching: Start at Monday, February 27, 2012. Courses: 1. Mikrobiologi (Mycrobiology) 2. DDPT (Fundamentals of Plant Protection) ...


The report Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation on Private Land (external link) is available for download on the DSE website. It looks at different policy tools for enhancing biodiversity values on private land and describes the state of play in terms of Victoria's current biodiversity, the importance of biodiversity to the community and analyses issues that confront policy makers in attempting to tackle the problems of biodiversity degradation. The report also covers the advantages and disadvantages of different policy mechanisms for biodiversity maintenance, including regulation, voluntary agreements, covenants, land purchase, auctions for conservation contracts, tax incentives, and government-assisted community programs.
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This series of ten brochures on the DSE website describes major biodiversity management issues for rivers and streams (external link). Each brochure outlines the source of the issue, its effect on the ecosystem and what can be done to reverse the impact. Brochures cover: changes to natural flow patterns; changes to temperature patterns; changes to riparian vegetation; sedimentation of rivers and streams; instream barriers; introducing fish outside their natural range; changes to river channels, and removal of woody debris.

A downloadable copy of a Discussion paper on Biodiversity in Agriculture and Agroforestry (external link) is available on the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) website (external link).

SOE Biodiversity Theme Report
(external link) - information and downloadable documents prepared for State of the Environment (SOE) 2001 reporting - on the Department of the Environment and Heritage website. Includes information on the impact of agriculture on conservation land in Australia.

Biodiversity Action Planning is a structured approach to identifying priorities and mapping significant areas for native biodiversity conservation at the landscape and Bioregional scales. Information about Biodiversity Action Planning (external link) is presented on the DSE website and includes a downloadable overview document. Draft Biodiversity Action Plans will also be available soon.
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The guidebook 'How to plan wildlife landscapes - a guide for community organisations' (external link) further explains these concepts for community organisations and interested individuals, and is available for download on the DSE website.

Information on the Living Systems Project is available on the DSE website (external link). The Living Systems Project aims to help farm families and private agribusiness benefit from the contribution native biodiversity can make towards the ecological sustainability of their farm business and lifestyle. The website provides a Living Systems Resource Kit (external link) for educators and facilitators.

A Native Biodiversity Resource Kit (external link) is available on-line from the DSE website. This provides a consistent and practical method that farmers can use to assess and manage native 

There are two approaches to the conservation of insects. Either humans set aside large portions of land using "wilderness preservation" as the motive, or confronting the particular processes that affect the charismatic vertebrates in order to achieve indirect conservation of insects. With biodiversity loss being a global problem, conserving habitat simply for species of insects is of low priority in the current environmental culture.